
Update - Meeting with Patton / Meyer!

Monday, November 19  - Members of SAFT on the WSA New Haven Shuttle Committee met with Vice President Peter Patton and Public Safety Chief Dave Meyer to present a list of suggestions on how to improve the transportation system at Wesleyan. Among other issues discussed were:

- Additional trips to/from New Haven on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays
- bus to DATTCO station 3 times daily during finals week
- Online booking for shuttle tickets
- $12 New Haven tix, as discussed by Tran. Services / Estrella Lopez '07
- Re-opening the ZipCar discussion
- installing signs at the Box Office about shuttle tix

Patton and Meyer tentatively agreed to many of these proposals. Once a final decision is reached, a full list of approved changes will be published!

Apparently, President Roth independently raised the issue of transportation costs in an open meeting in Hewitt. Awesome! We'd love to have Roth drop by for crepes and a chat one Monday night. Maybe in the near future...

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